IMPACT 2023 x Design Research Forum


“Design is about solving problems and today, more than ever creative problem-solving capabilities have become needed core skills for all disciplines of work and professions, especially for an anomalous future we are stepping into.” – Mr Low Cheaw Hwei, DEAC Chairman, Head of Design for Philips in Asia and Head of Government and Public Affairs for Philips in Singapore.

IMPACT 2023 x Design Research Forum is an unprecedented and visionary initiative, poised to unveil the captivating world of design-led innovation brewing within Singapore’s esteemed Institutes of Higher Learning. The inaugural forum has had one simple aim: to provide a platform for design researchers and industry professionals to explore the profound impact of design research and to demonstrate the transformative potential of design research by highlighting its influence across diverse fields and industries.

IMPACT 2023 stands for “Industries + Making + People + Approaches + Collaboration + Transdisciplinary”, representing the core pillars that drive this forum. By embracing a holistic and inclusive approach, the forum serves as a melting pot of innovative ideas, cutting-edge research, and practical insights for design researchers and industry professionals to engage in fruitful exchanges, collaborative endeavours, and knowledge sharing.

During this forum, 17 distinguished design researchers hailing from 13 esteemed design institutions in Singapore will take the stage. Through their presentations, they will unveil a tapestry of insights and experiences, underscoring the boundless potential of design research in propelling innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship, illuminating profound implications across healthcare, society, the environment, and the prospects of future generations, leaving an indelible impact.


Design Research for Innovation, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship I

New and emerging technologies such as robotics, machine learning, AI have transformed how people work, play, live and interact. This opens up new opportunities and challenges for design researchers to move beyond disciplinary silos and embrace a combination of approaches to uncover unmet needs, explore novel opportunities, and identify emerging trends. Design researchers play a key role in the innovation and sustainability process.

A Human-centric and Circular World where Design is Key–Achieving a Better World in the Next 100 Years

Professor Tai Lee Siang
Head of Pillar, Architecture and Sustainable Design; Centre Director, DesignZ and Programme Director, Design and Artificial intelligence
Singapore University of Technology and Design

Dr Sumbul Khan
Senior Research Scientist, DesignZ
Singapore University of Technology and Design.

Fostering desired futures: exploring technologies, human-centered design, and co-design

Dr Jung-Joo (JJ) Lee
Deputy Head (Research), Assistant Professor, Division of Industrial Design, College of Design and Engineering; Principal Investigator, Service Design Lab Singapore
National University of Singapore

Dr Kate Sangwon Lee
Lecturer, Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (EDIC), College of Design and Engineering
National University of Singapore

Digital humanities: an interdisciplinary, artistic and design inquiry

Associate Professor Wong Chen-Hsi 
Chair, School of Art, Design and Media
Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Design research for culture, society and environment 

What are the unique aspirations, values and challenges of communities in Singapore and beyond? This theme highlights initiatives that seek to understand cultural identities through the complex interplay between people, communities and their context. Through investigation and engagement, design research becomes a powerful instrument for nurturing harmonious relationships between culture, society, and the environment through design.

Creativity for a complex world: using a design-led process for transdisciplinary innovative solutions

Mark Lu
Deputy Director, Media, Arts & Design School
Singapore Polytechnic

Chong Li Min
Specialist in Teaching and Learning, Media, Arts and Design School
Singapore Polytechnic

Community design-build studio – looking back, looking forward

Raja Mohammad Fairuz
Senior Lecturer and Co-chair of etc.lab, School of Design & Environment
Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Leveraging southeast asian dimensions: crafting design for sociocultural impact

Christabel Teng
Vice Dean, Design and Media Programme
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts

Industry panel: driven by design research

Driven By Design Research brings together 3 professionals from diverse SMEs to discuss the value of design research in addressing pressing challenges and fostering sustainable, human-centred solutions across various industries. The panel aims to explore how industry collaboration with IHLs in design research can help in driving positive change and pave the way for a more resilient and forward-thinking future.

Keith Wong
Lead Designer (Business Design)

Alex Lim
Executive Creative Director
The Activation Group

Ho Weihao
Senior Innovation Consultant
TRIA Pte Ltd


Dr Sumbul Khan
Senior Research Scientist, DesignZ
Singapore University of Technology and Design

Design research for wellbeing and healthcare

Health and wellness are crucial for humans to survive and thrive. This theme focuses on the needs and experiences of patients, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders in the medical ecosystem, and includes initiatives that purposefully designing interventions and system to enhance overall quality of care and support positive health outcomes, leading to an overall more efficient and compassionate healthcare system. Through thoughtful design research, we can truly transform healthcare into a realm where innovation harmonizes with humanity, ultimately creating a better future for all.

Redesigning the rehabilitation experience for stroke survivors

Dr Agnes Xue Lishan
Head, Design Factory@SIT
Singapore Institute of Technology

Inclusivity of persons with disability through a human-centric research design

Wan-Koo May Yeok
Deputy Director (Research, Innovation, Enterprise and Projects), School of Health and Social Sciences
Nanyang Polytechnic

Ng Wen Lei
Senior Lecturer, Course Manager (Interaction Design), School of Design & Media
Nanyang Polytechnic

Design research for innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship II

New and emerging technologies such as robotics, machine learning, AI have transformed how people work, play, live and interact. This opens up new opportunities and challenges for design researchers to move beyond disciplinary silos and embrace a combination of approaches to uncover unmet needs, explore novel opportunities, and identify emerging trends. Design researchers play a key role in the innovation and sustainability process.

PLACE: when design research becomes entrepreneurial

Nur Hidayah Abu Bakar
Dean, Faculty of Design
LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore

Conversation about AI in design spaces: finding meaningful productivity for creative work

Garion Goh
Senior Lecturer (DDUX – STA)
Republic Polytechnic

Jay Kumar
Senior Lecturer (DDUX – STA)
Republic Polytechnic

Design research for the future generations

What does the future hold? Design researchers wear the hat of visionaries, thinking ahead into the unknown. This theme centres around creating a world for the generations to come. It focuses on a deep understanding of the evolving needs (and black swans!) that would shape the future landscape. Research under this theme seeks to create artefacts and experiences that provoke thinking and discussion about potential futures beyond what we think is possible.

Rethinking the role of reflection in design education

Dr C.K. Peter Chuah
Head, Visual Communication and Experience Design Programs
Singapore University of Social Sciences

Design education made real: the industry project framework

Elvis Tay Lye Soon
Head, BeyonDesign Centre
Temasek Polytechnic

Dr Marta Miguel
Senior Academic Mentor at the School of Design
Temasek Polytechnic

Join IMPACT 2023 x Design Research Forum defining the role and potential of design research this 26 September at Singapore Design Week 2023.


IMPACT 2023 x Design Research Forum is organised by Design Education Advisory Committee (DEAC) Prototype 10: Design Research Collaborations and the School of Art, Design and Media (NTU-ADM) at Nanyang Technological University, and Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT).

Supported by LASALLE College of the Arts (LASALLE-UAS), Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA-UAS), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP), Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), Republic Polytechnic (RP), Singapore Polytechnic (SP), Temasek Polytechnic (TP) and Institute of Technical Education (ITE)

The Design Education Advisory Committee (DEAC) was launched by the DesignSingapore Council (Dsg) and appointed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) in April 2020 as the first-ever national platform for design education thought and practice leadership.


DEAC Prototype 10: Design Research Collaborations 

The DEAC Prototype 10: Design Research Collaborations coordinated by Nanyang Technological University (NTU), with the support of local IHLs and industries partners, to strive to provide platforms to improve accessibility and better connect researchers and students with industry practitioners for various design research projects.

Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media (ADM)

NTU’s School of Art, Design and Media (ADM) plays an essential role in providing cutting-edge knowledge in the applied arts, drawing upon the convergence of art and technology. Our interdisciplinary programmes develop creative individuals into innovative maker-thinkers, artists, designers, storytellers and creative problem-solvers, deeply engaged in contemporary society and culture.

Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)

Design Factory@SIT is a member of the Design Factory Global network, where it aims to be a constantly developing environment for learning, teaching, research and industry co-operation. Through design management approaches, DF@SIT seeks to help companies and individuals to use design-led innovation to pilot ideas, build strategies, and move up the innovation value chain for our changing marketplace.


Name: Associate professor Jesvin Yeo; Leong Yixiong
Email Address:


26 Sep 2023


9am – 6pm
Registration from 9am
Forum starts at 9.30am


National Design Centre
Auditorium (Level 2)
111 Middle Road
Singapore 188969


$54 (inclusive of GST)




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